business people

3 Questions for Defining Your "Ideal Customer"

Whenever I'm networking and have spoken to someone for more than a few minutes, the question I most dread comes up. No, not, "What do you do?"


"Who's your ideal customer?"


I feel like that's hard to answer, so I normally make a joke of it and answer like a dating show contestant. "Oh, someone who's a good listener and open to change."


But it's not entirely a joke, because, though I do tend to serve businesses of a certain size, I also do want clients to both listen to me and implement suggested improvements.


If you're having trouble defining your ideal customer, ask yourself these three questions.


Can I help them?Cleaning Service

Most businesses, particularly in the B2B or professional service realms have a certain scope within which they're comfortable. For instance, if you have a professional cleaning service, maybe you don't have enough cleaners to pick up a contract with a large office complex. On the flip side, maybe you don't do residential cleaning, because those jobs are too small for the revenue gained to cover the expenses they require. So your ideal customer is somewhere in the middle.

Or, maybe a certain company just has requirements which are out of your wheelhouse. If you are a business attorney and someone contacts you for divorce representation, they're not your ideal client. You might be able to get some business out of them, but if it's an area in which you aren't experienced, you're probably doing a disservice to you both.


Do they want my help?

Remember my date show answer about wanting a client who listens?

There will be certain clients who, though you could help them, aren't interested for whatever reason. Maybe they're a brand new business and they're not ready to outsource any services yet. Or perhaps they're a larger business who can't be convinced you have anything to offer them.

Maybe you've found that clients in certain types of businesses are less receptive to outside advice, due to the specifics of their industry. Or you haven't gotten your foot in the door with that industry yet.

None of this is to say that you can never work with these types of clients. However, for the purposes of referrals, they are not your ideal clients.


Nuclear Power PlantDo I want to work with them?

It's a fact of business that certain customers are not worth the hassle. Maybe they want to pay you bottom rates, but they require 100% on-site work (and their office is on 3-Mile Island).

Maybe they've had multiple failed business ventures, and stiffed their vendors on unpaid invoices when they closed shop. Perhaps they are unethical in their dealings with employees or customers.

If a client is going to be a lot of work for little return, or if they could bring down your reputation just by association, they're probably not the client you want to pursue first.


Again, someone being a "no" to one (or all) of these questions isn't a reason to absolutely never pursue them as a customer. However, when you are in a networking situation and only have minutes to describe who you're looking for, use these parameters to describe your "ideal" client.

Pricing Strategies: How do I know how much to charge?

To view this article in video form, visit our YouTube channel.


One of the hardest decisions a new business owner makes is how much to charge. In calculating the "right" price, there are a number of variables to consider.

elasticFor starters, let's re-visit Intro to Microeconomics and ask, is your product elastic, or inelastic? Elastic products are those goods or services in which demand is closely tied with price. In other words, demand on an elastic product will increase with a decrease in price, and vice versa. The demand for inelastic goods is steadier, and less dependent on price.

For example, a specific brand of chocolate chips is a highly elastic good. If the price increases too much, customers will just purchase a different brand of chocolate chip (or decide to bake a different type of cookies, or just buy the pre-made cookies outright). Though I might really like Ghirardelli brand chocolate chips, I don't really need them, and there are plenty of ready substitutes available.

A very inelastic product would be gasoline. The price tends to be relatively uniform within a geographic area, and most people are heavily reliant on it in their day-to-day lives. Even when the price surges, consumers still have to purchase a certain amount. Likewise, even when gasoline is very cheap, people don't necessarily start driving and purchasing significantly more.

If your product is elastic, you don't necessarily have to have one set price. You could employ "surge" pricing, a la Uber, and charge more when your goods or services are in greater demand. You can also try to generate increased demand through temporary price drops. (Perhaps some of you are old enough to remember "blue light specials".) If you want to keep steady prices, or if you're good is inelastic, there are other variables to consider.

To develop a pricing strategy, you should know your variable expenses, how to calculate profit margin, and have a general idea of market price (competitors' prices).

Maybe you have a surface familiarity with the terms "variable expenses" and "profit margin", but aren't 100% clear on how they're calculated. For your benefit, we'll have a quick accounting lesson.

mathVariable expenses are those expenses which are directly tied to the production of each unit of a product, and might include such expenses as raw materials, labor hours, and shipping costs. In other words, variable expenses increase (or vary) as production increases. Costs of Goods Sold (or COGS) are variable expenses.

To calculate your profit margins, divide your net profit (sales - COGS) by your sales. Playing with these formulas at different prices can help you determine a feasible price for your product.

As far as competitive pricing, it is good to be in a range with your market competitors, though you don't necessarily have to be the cheapest, or even on the lowest end. Trying to win customers on price alone can cause a big hit to your profit margins, and will not bring you long-term success. If you cannot safely price your competitors out, beat them with a distinguished product and superior customer service.

Finally, there are discounts to consider, particularly "friends and family" pricing. Special pricing is fine, as long as you can still maintain healthy margins. Never sell at a loss, even for those close to you. You do not want to have to raise prices on friends and family later, so set them at a level you can maintain indefinitely. If you price yourself out of business, you really aren't doing your loved ones any favors.

How You Use ROI Every Day

For those who don't know, ROI stands for "return on investment". Colloquially, you might think of it as "bang for your buck". Though it's frequently used to describe investment decisions, ROI is something you use in your daily life. You go to the gym because the payoff of improved health has greater value than the time you put into it. You're getting a good return on that time invested.

You might even use ROI to compare two options. Let's say your goal is to lose fat, and there are two classes open when you go to the gym. You could go to an hour-long spin class, or an hour-long yoga class. Doing your research, you find that spin class burns 50% more calories, so you choose to go to that one, as it offers a better ROI.

Looking at it from a financial perspective, there's a very simple formula to calculate ROI.

Return on Investment = (Gain from Investment - Cost of Investment) / Cost of Investment

Now, when it comes to ROI in small business, people tend to think of it primarily in terms of sales and marketing. Before you run an ad or hire a marketing firm, you should be looking at whether the income you're likely to gain outweighs the amount you're about to spend. (For a more in-depth look at mistakes owners make in their marketing budget, see our prior article, Living a Lie: The mistakes that make entrepreneurs go broke.) If you are paying a marketing firm $10,000 a year and your sales only increase by $3,000, you're not making a good return on your investment. Likewise, if you hire a salesperson at base $45K + commission, and he only makes $15,000 in sales, he's probably not in the right position at your company. These are the sorts of obvious examples people think of when it comes to ROI in their business.

However, any business decision really comes down to a matter of ROI, and that is true for hiring an accountant, as well. We're constantly fighting the stereotype of accounting as a necessary evil, and one way to do that is to look at all the benefits that come with good bookkeeping and CFO.

First, of course, are the tax savings. Accurate books not only help you avoid an audit and costly penalties, but also aid you in tracking and recording every deduction for which you're eligible.

Second is saving on expenses. A good CFO service should be locating areas of overspending and helping you restructure to lower or even eliminate certain costs. (Actually, we tend to recommend you eliminate those expenses which don't produce a good ROI. See? It really does all come back to that.)

Third, we like investigate means of increasing revenue. This could be by introducing a new product or service line, acquiring another business, re-examining current pricing strategies, or even by locating and collecting on aged receivables.

To look at how The Bookkeeper does this from an ROI perspective, we save or earn our average client enough in our first year with them to pay our fees for 23 months. That's an almost 100% return on investment.

Finally, there are the benefits which are harder to quantify, primarily opportunity costs. What do you save in energy and stress by hiring someone to take over certain tasks for you?

This week, I challenge you to take a close look at your business, find what's paying off, find what's not, and do something about it.

Expanding our horizons with Xero

Though we are very proud to call ourselves Diamond-level QuickBooks ProAdvisors, one of our best business traits is adaptability. We try to stay on the forefront of a changing global market and, when we read that Xero is the fastest-growing international accounting software (by number of users), we knew that we had to add it to our repertoire.

We are proud to announce that we are now Xero certified partners. This means that we have completed an extensive training course, and passed a rigorous certification exam to demonstrate our proficiency with the software. So if your business uses Xero, we are ready and able to seamlessly transition to managing your books.

You might be wondering how Xero compares to QuickBooks. Both have their benefits and drawbacks. The Xero dashboard might be a bit less user-friendly for a non-accountant, whereas QuickBooks is very easy-to-read. Many users also just prefer the familiarity and solid reputation of QuickBooks, which is perfectly understandable. However, Xero does have some useful built-in tools, particularly an included budgeting application, payroll included on larger packages, and currency conversion on the premium package. Depending on the package chosen, the pricing is similar between the two systems. (Xero starts at $9 per month, with premium plans going up to $70/month.) Obviously, both are online-compatible for cloud computing.

As previously mentioned, we are still incredibly happy to be partnered with QuickBooks, and will continue to offer our support and services for QuickBooks clients. However, there is no harm in diversifying our skill set. Based on our market research, Xero is worth investing our time into. If you too would like to learn more about the benefits of using Xero, you can read about their features here, or contact us. We would love to answer questions you might have about this or any other accounting software.

Working When Overwhelmed

There will frequently be times in your business when you feel overwhelmed. There will be days or weeks when setbacks pile upon themselves, when everything that can go wrong will go wrong, and all at once. And you'll fall behind.

The danger in being overwhelmed is that it can lead to two disastrous pathways: one in which you're paralyzed into inaction by the seemingly insurmountable mountain of tasks before you, or one where you fall prey to the temptation of "multitasking" and fall to pieces trying to do too much at once.

Fortunately, procrastination and busyness are really two sides of the same evil coin. Today we're going to discuss how to catch up on what you need to do, even when the sky is falling.

Let's examine the Who, When, Where, and How of working when overwhelmed.


This seems obvious enough. You, right? Well, if you have employees, there might be some tasks you can delegate. The trick is to assign appropriate tasks in a manner which does not eat up your time or create more work for you. If an employee is already capable and available to take something off your to-do list, that's great. If you are going to have to expend time and energy in explaining the assignment, it is better, while you are behind, to go ahead and do the task quickly yourself. Training can come later when more time is available.

Also, asking an employee to assume additional or different duties is not a time for the two of you to hold a vent session on how busy and behind you are. It's nice to have someone in the business with whom to commiserate, but that will have to come after you're finally caught up.

Work EnvironmentWhen

Now! If you are behind on work, start with the first thing on your to-do list and get to it. Don't go make coffee, don't check Facebook "real quick", and don't cultivate your Pandora station. Give yourself little breaks to do those things as rewards for tasks completed. But if you're waiting until everything is "just perfect" to start, you'll never get ahead of the work.


As mentioned before, don't spend too much time getting your environment ideal before you address your to-do list. However, it is imperative that your area be relatively distraction-free. Put your phone on silent; close your office door if you have one. Even if you're in a co-working space, you can put in headphones, or something else that sends the message that you're not available for small talk. Do not have social media tabs open in your browser.

HowTo-Do List

Start with taking a quick inventory of everything you need to get done. (No, don't make a complicated, color-coded Excel spreadsheet of your task list. That's just procrastinating with the illusion of working.) Personally, I love the Wunderlist app for keeping to-do lists, as it allows you to make categories and re-order your lists. See what assignments you need to complete first, and what can be put off. (Maybe have a to-do list for today, this week, etc.)

Block off time on your calendar for these tasks. Not only does it help you get in the mindset of, "I am scheduled to work on this, now", it sends a clear message to anyone you work with that you are busy. It particularly helps if you have the sort of business that includes frequent meetings, as it serves as a visual reminder to leave some time for solo work.

Get the first item on your list done as quickly as you can, with no breaks unless absolutely necessary. Check it off your list. Once you have made that first bit of progress, you'll be amazed at how much it motivates you to knock out the next item. Getting a few things out of the way can help you build momentum and feel accomplished. After that, you can battle that "overwhelmed" feeling and start to see that, though you are very busy right now, there is a light at the end of the tunnel and, when you get this backload of work completed, things will calm down for a while.

If work has piled up on you and you're feeling like you'll never be out from under it, try these steps. And stay tuned for our upcoming article on how to get organized and avoid becoming overwhelmed in the first place.

Bald for a Cause

Many of you have met Craig. If you had to point him out across a crowded room, he might be "the guy in the suit with the shaved head". And if you know Courtney, she might be "the tall girl with glasses". Depending on the month of the year, it might be "the short-haired girl with glasses" because, as you may know, Courtney regularly grows out her hair to donate to children with hair loss.


(The car was parked and turned off in this picture.)
(The car was parked and turned off in this picture.)


It's about to get a lot easier to recognize Courtney. Soon she'll be "the bald girl". On April 9th, Courtney is getting her head shaved as a St. Baldrick's participant. She is doing this to raise money for childhood cancer research. You can learn more about the specific needs in treating childhood cancer here, and about the work St. Baldrick's does here.


The event is April 9th at Raleigh Beer Garden, and we would love to see many of you there! If you're local, please consider turning out for the event, or even registering to have your head shaved, as well! If you aren't ready to go bald, please consider donating to St. Baldrick's to help fund research. (There is no set minimum. All donations are welcome.) And now, if you run into Courtney in mid-April, you'll know why she looks so different. (Hint: she got a haircut.)

Year in Review: Our clients' big wins in 2015

People tend to think of bookkeeping as a necessary evil. Your business has to have it, so just find someone who will do a decent job and whom you don't have to pay too much.

We beg to disagree.

We like to use our service to do more than just keep our clients' books clean. We like to go beyond balancing books to growing businesses. In that regard, 2015 was a very good year for us.

Today we want to showcase three clients who had big "wins" in the last 12 months.

Client #1: A Money-Saving Solution

One of our client's businesses was facing some difficulties staying profitable. Looking at the books, we found some areas where expenses were duplicated and some cases of fairly extreme overspending. We met with the owner and devised a plan to cut expenses. Once the plan went into effect, we were able to increase the bottom line by over $30,000 a month.

Of course...big deal, right? Everyone knows accountants are penny-pinching killjoys. Let's look at our second story, and see how we can help a client without forcing them to spend less.

Client #2: A Long-Denied Loan

A different client desperately desired a consolidation loan. He had gone to three different lenders, and been denied each time. He was getting nowhere in a hurry.

So, we took over.

First, we received authority to act on his behalf. Then we got to work, combing through his financials and organizing the data for presentation. Finally, we were able to present the information to the bank in the way we knew they wanted it. This time it was approved, and we were able to get our client a consolidation loan at one of the same institutions who had previously rejected him.

Thanks to those efforts, our client was able to consolidate his debt under one payment, and greatly improve his cash flow.

Still, that story isn't as great as...

Client #3: Money from Thin Air

Sometimes, something as simple as developing better procedures can make all the difference to a business. This was the case with a client who didn't have a good system in place for managing A/R.

Specifically, there was over $102,000 in receivables of which the owner was not even aware. (Some of the unpaid invoices were over two years old.)

When we discovered this large balance of aged receivables, we immediately began developing collections procedures, including a series of formalized letters to the debtors. Using the practices we put into place, over $30,000 has been collected within the last four months, with payments continuing to roll in.

To re-cap, that's money that the client did not even know existed.

These are just a few of our highlights from 2015. We can't wait to see what we do in 2016.

Ledger Nightmares: Entries only an accountant should make

One of my favorite holiday traditions is watching "The Nightmare Before Christmas". For those of you unfamiliar with the movie, here is the basic plot synopsis: The leader of Halloween Town takes an accidental visit to the land of Christmas and is so enchanted by all of it that he decides to give Santa the "year off" and take over in his place. The residents of Halloween Town are, needless to say, ill-suited for this task, and the results are hilarious and horrifying.

The problem is, they see just enough of Christmas to think they know how to emulate it, but they misunderstand the core concepts.

This is a frequent issue when non-accountants take on bookkeeping duties. Recording sales and expenses is one thing, but there are certain entries which really should be left to the professionals.

This week we're looking at the most frequently-confused accounting principles and discussing why it is better to not attempt these yourself.

Setting Up Chart of Accounts & Opening Balances

Though you would think bookkeeping would be simple with a clean slate, getting your company started can be one of the most complicated times, accounting-wise. (Okay, everything about starting a company is complicated.) There are legal and professional expenses, you must determine book value of any assets which you already have, and entering equity amounts can be difficult. (In particular, how you record money the owner contribues, whether as paid-in capital or a loan from the owner, can affect tax liability.)

When these issues are compounded by extra demands on the owner's time and focus (not to mention the learning curve associated with self-training on accounting software), you have a recipe for inaccuracies.

While you are setting up your business, get someone with experience to jump-start the accounting side of it.

Capital Expenditures

Expanding your business is an exciting time, particularly when you're investing in new locations. Whenever you are spending funds or assuming liability to obtain a physical asset which will be used for productive purposes for at least one year, that is a capital expenditure. Capital expenditures can be land, buildings, machinery, or even software upgrades (generally provided they meet a certain cost threshold).

For an amateur bookkeeper, capital expenditures might appear deceptively easy. Buying some land for a new plant site? Debit Land, credit Notes Payable, and expense whatever incidentals come up along the way, right?

Of course not! If it was that easy, everyone would do their own books.

If you record a capital expenditure like that, your book value will be off and when you calculate depreciation it will be inaccurate. (We'll get to depreciation and other contra-accounts later.)

Rather, when capital expenditures are recorded, you are also to include in the book value the net cost of getting the property ready for use. If the ground needed to be levelled, that cost would be included. Likewise, if there were salvageable materials present which were then sold, that gain would be used to reduce the book value. Certain legal and professional fees surrounding the sale may be included as well. It's all very interesting (but also very complicated for a layperson).

Referring to our example, what about that Note Payable? Assuming it's accruing interest, at year-end you'll need to make...

Adjusting Entries

Month-end and year-end adjusting entries are both necessary and a pain in the neck. There are several types of adjusting entries, such as adjustments for goods or services clients prepaid you for (Unearned Revenue), expensing those things for which you prepaid, recording accrued interest, etc.

One of the biggest dangers at year-end is recording adjustments to inventory. Even with consistent inventory tracking throughout the year, there are generally still adjustments to be made at year-end. Mistakes in inventory recording can result in over or understated COGS (Cost of Goods Sold) and inaccurate tax liability calculations. For reasons such as this, it's usually a good idea to have an accountant look at your year-end statements before preparing taxes. (Remember that many CPAs will simply prepare your taxes based on the statements you give them. For that reason, be sure you are hiring someone who will actually look for issues in the accounts themselves.)

Even if it's not a special occassion, such as making a major purchase or at year-end, there are still transactions that require bookkeeping assistance. Notably, any of those involving...

Contra Accounts

A contra account is one which is intended to have an opposite normal balance for that account classification. For instance, a sales discount is a contra revenue account, so it has a normal debit balance (whereas most revenue accounts have a normal credit balance).

Contra account entries have the potential to be very tricky, and the greatest offender for this is depreciation. Recording depreciation is essential for accurately estimating the current value of assets, but calculating it is a complicated process. First, life expectancy of the asset and salvage value must be computed. After that, straight-line depreciation is the simplest, but nowhere near as accurate as usage-based or the double-declining balance method. Finally, when the asset is finally sold or scrapped, the gain or loss must be calculated and recorded based on the present value. Of course, any errors can then negatively affect tax liability.

Long story short, any time you feel like you're getting in over your head, ask a professional. Trying to D-I-Y complicated accounting entries can turn your General Ledger into a horror story.

Living a Lie: The mistakes that make entrepreneurs go broke

"You have to spend money to make money."

"Maintain the image of success."

"Fake it 'til you make it."

There is an ideal of the successful entrepreneur as a jet-setting globetrotter, someone living high on their quickly-amassed profits earned through their brilliant business insight.  We want the overnight success and rock star-status of Richard Branson.  (Comparatively, Larry Ellison, who has over eight times the net worth of Branson, took a less meteoric path to wealth, and is relatively unheard of.)

The unfortunate side effect of our idolization of instant-millionaire entrepreneurs is that many have come to associate that glamorized lifestyle with proof of product value.  In other words, "If I look and act successful, people will assume I know what I'm doing and hire me for my services!"

Here are the four most common ways entrepreneurs blow money on an image.

"I've gotta get my name out there."

Advertising is great.  Advertising is essential.  By all means, advertise!  However...

Don't blow your budget on advertising.  While seeing your company on a billboard or hearing your name on the radio is a great feeling, don't throw your money away on that illusion of the "big-time" without knowing for sure that you are going to get a good return on your investment.  This is a mistake we have seen time and time again.

I once personally witnessed a (now closed) local small business flush away thousands of dollars on a radio ad which they were convinced would result in a flood of customers to their large weekend sale.  They scheduled additional staff, opened early, one showed.  The ad was ineffective.  In their frustration and desire to not have their money wasted, they played the ad on loop inside the store (i.e., the place where customers weren't), succeeding only in driving their employees crazy.

For the majority of small businesses, big-budget ad campaigns are not worth it in the early days.  A local tv spot might make you feel like a celebrity (for better or for worse, given the quality of most local tv ads), but it cannot match the per-dollar effectiveness of a decent website, solid social media engagement, and positive word-of-mouth.

"I have to have a nice place to meet clients/customers."

The information age has transformed the world, and the way we do business in it.  Meeting clients over coffee or lunch is a perfectly valid option, as is selling products online without a physical storefront.  However, many entrepreneurs still seem to feel as if their business is less legitimate without a physical location.

Rent on offices and storefronts is a significant monthly expense, and that does not include furnishings, utilities, etc. Having a separate workplace to travel to on a daily basis has mental benefits in improving productivity, but it is not a cost to be considered lightly, nor is it a business essential nowadays.  A gorgeous office with a big mahogany desk is a nice long-term goal, but it is not worth putting your company in the red.

"Yeah, I think I've got a place in the business for you."

We have written before on the dangers of expanding too early.  However, this becomes doubly dangerous when owners begin creating positions for the sake of hiring friends and family.  Middle management, and other positions which are not directly involved in revenue generation, are rarely necessary in a young company.  It is good to be surrounded by people you like and trust, but, until your business has enough sustained profitability, employing people for positions you really can't support is like inviting people onto a raft with a hole in it.  Everyone just starts sinking more quickly.

"The company's buying dinner tonight."

This is the big one and, really, the issue from which all the others stem.  It appears that, since the invention of commerce, owners have fallen prey to the temptation to treat the company as a personal piggy bank, not realizing that they are essentially robbing themselves.  Personal expenses being run through the company tanks profits, and can become risky from a tax perspective.  (Inaccurately deducting too many things as "business expenses" sends up a red flag to the IRS.)

In some cases, a failed understanding of accounting reports results in owners bankrupting their own companies.  For example, Owner's Draw does not show up on a Profit & Loss report.  So, when an owner views the Profit & Loss report, they might see that the company is very profitable, and think everything is fine.  Meanwhile, their overspending is bleeding the business's Retained Earnings dry.  When an unexpected setback occurs, they suddenly realize they're out of money and the company goes belly up.

So what should you do?

Though stories of those who got rich quick are fun, it has to be accepted that, for the majority of us, success will be a longer journey.  Just as we individuals must live within our means, so much our businesses function within their budgets.  Slow and steady wins the race, a penny saved is a penny earned, etc.

"He worked hard and was patient, and eventually earned wealth and a comfortable lifestyle," might not be the most exciting story, but it beats that tired tale of the guy who tried to have it all right away and lost everything.

FLSA Compliance: Three Distinctions to Understand in Classifying Workers

The Fair Labor Standards Act has been in the news a great deal, lately.  Multiple class-action lawsuits have been filed on behalf of unemployees who believe they have not been fairly compensated.

Many of these lawsuits have ended in either large settlements, or employers paying hefty fines and back wages.

To ensure that your business is in compliance with FLSA guidelines, understand the following three distinctions in classifying those who work for your business.

Who is a contractor and who is an employee?

Some employers have tried to lower their wages and tax liabilities by hiring independent contractors in place of employees.  This is an option so long as you follow the criteria for contractors.

Per the IRS's "common law rules", there are three categories assessed when judging whether a worker counts as an independent contractor.

Behavioral Control.  For an independent contractor, the business does not direct or control how their work is completed.

Financial Control.  If the business controls financial or business aspects of the worker's job (such as purchasing equipment, advertising the worker's services, etc.), the worker is an employee.

Type of Relationship.  Whether a worker is an independent contractor or an employee is determined by such aspects as the duration/permanency of the relationship, contracts describing the relationship, benefits provided to the worker, and whether the work performed is "a key aspect of the regular business of the company".

In addition to the IRS classifications, the U.S. Department of Labor provides their own "six-factor realities test" to determine whether a worker might be considered an independent contractor.

1.  Is the work an integral part of the employer's business?  This is similar to the language in the IRS rules regarding type of relationship.

2.  Does the worker's managerial skills affect their opportunity for profit or loss?  In other words, is the worker managing the business of the services they provide (for better or for worse) or is the employer directing that?

3.  Compare the worker's relative investment to the employer's relative investment.  If the business is providing the supplies, equipment, training, etc., the worker is likely an employee.

4.  Does the work require specialized skills and initiative?  Independent contractors are frequently professionals with specific skills over or in addition to those of the company's regular employees.

5.  Is the relationship permanent or indefinite?  Though they may work for the company for a very long period, contractors typically operate on a project-based or monthly contract.

6.  What is the nature and degree of employer control?  This correlates with the "behavioral control" aspect of the IRS common law rules.

Incorrectly classifying employees as contractors shifts tax burden to the workers, a misattribution which might later be remedied in court.

Of course, even if you only hire employees and no independent contractors, you still need to know...

Which employees qualify for exempt status?

"Exempt" employees are, essentially, those to whom you do not have to pay overtime.  (Specifically, they are legally classified as being excluded from the FLSA overtime rules.)  Non-exempt employees must be paid overtime in any period in which it is earned.  As might be surmised from the topic of this article, knowing the distinction is important.

Certain professions are essentially exempt by definition.  These are typically the classic "learned professions", such as doctors, lawyers, teachers, clergy, etc.  However, they can also include high-level administrative positions.  This does not mean that you can sit a secretary at the front desk for 60 hours a week and not pay him or her overtime wages.  To be considered high-level, administrative employees must be intensely involved in the running of the business, or in assisting executives to do so.  Think of a character like Pepper Potts from "Iron Man", who helps keep Stark Industries running by managing every aspect of Tony Starks's life.  She would qualify for exempt status.  (If you're not a fan of superhero movies, think of Emily Blunt's character in "The Devil Wears Prada".)

Excluding those jobs which are already considered exempt, there are three "tests" a position must pass to be considered exempt from overtime.

1.  The salary level test.  An employee must be compensated gross wages of $455 weekly ($23,600 annually) to be exempt.

2.  The salary basis test.  For any week in which any amount of work is performed, the employee is guaranteed a minimum amount.  (Typically, the weekly figure is calculated by dividing a contractually-guaranteed annual salary.)

3.  The duties test.  This is actually three tests in one, and is designed to protect employees from being labelled "managers" in order to deprive them of overtime wages.  For someone to be accurately considered an exempt supervisor:

a.)  He or she must supervise two or more other employees.

b.)  Management must be their primary duty.

c.)  He or she must have genuine input into the job status (hiring, firing, promoting, etc.) of other employees.

To give an example, a store cannot put someone in a "keyholder" position (where they might just be the "Manager on Duty" available to customers, but with no genuine managerial authority over other employees, and the majority of their duties not specific to managers) and then work them over 40 hours a week without overtime.

What if the worker in question is not a contractor nor an employee?  What if it's just a young person hanging around to learn the ropes?

For our third and final category, we are discussing...

When should interns be paid?

There have been several high-profile lawsuits recently regarding wage theft of unpaid interns.  Young people hoping to get a "foot in the door" in their industry of choice were instead worked ragged with no compensation.

Fortunately, the U.S. Department of Labor has provided a clear six-part set of standards to determine whether an unpaid internship is valid under the Fair Labor Standards Act.

1.  The internship must provide similar vocational training to an educational environment.  The internship should resemble an educational training program more than it does a job.

2.  The intern should be the primary beneficiary in the relationship.  In other words, the intern should receive more education and experience from the employer than the employer receives work out of the intern.

3.  If the intern is performing work for which the employer would have otherwise hired additional staff or required staff to work additional hours, the internship should be paid.  Again, the employer can't use an unpaid internship to get work performed without compensation.

4.  There should be no immediate benefit to the employer and the internship should be to the intern's interest.  The employer might even be temporarily inconvenienced by the internship.  However, under the ideals of an unpaid internship, it is presumed that the employer might recover long-term benefit from later hiring the intern as a well-trained employee, already familiar with company culture and procedures.

5.  An unpaid internship can come with no job guarantee.  This prevents employers from stringing along an intern for free work with the lure of future employment.

6.  Both parties understand that no wages will be paid.  An intern must be made aware from the beginning (before their first day at the internship) that this is not a paid position.