

The Four Pillars of a Financial System

Every business has, whether by intention or default, a financial system. In a “default” financial system, the movement of money just…happens. Bills might be tracked on a notepad, customer invoices…

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man holds papers

What Does a CFO Do?

If you asked the average person what a CEO does, they can probably give you a fairly detailed answer, somewhere between the truth and the truth as influenced by pop culture. CEOs are visionaries who…

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basketball court

Hiring an Entire Person

Imagine you’re the coach of a winning basketball team. You’re doing pretty well but, you’ve lost a few games that you feel could have been won if your players hadn’t been out-rebounded. When it’s…

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woman wearing face mask

Our Pandemic Story

This morning, I went to my first local Chamber of Commerce breakfast in over 18 months. The general attitude was as though we’d all just woken up from a collective coma: we were thrilled to see each…

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Facing Your Fears, at Your Pace

Entrepreneurs like to embrace an aura of fearlessness. However, humans possess the ability to fear because it is a useful emotion. Fear helped us avoid lightning, and sabretooth tigers, and that same…

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women look at notebooks

“How to Run Your Small Business Like a Large Company” by Dave Baldwin

We've all seen them, those entrepreneurs with the seeming ability to work magic. We’ve all heard the legends about the founders of multimillion-dollar empires who started with a $1,000 loan in a…

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mother and father and two sons holding hands walking

When You’re too Small for FMLA

Per the US Department of Labor, “The Family and Medical Leave Act (FMLA) provides certain employees with up to 12 weeks of unpaid, job-protected leave per year. It also requires that their group…

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sparkler in front of american flag

Rebellion vs. Revolution

My favorite retelling of the Revolutionary War comes from the musical “Hamilton”. In it, the titular main character bravely fights for independence, but also muses about what freedom will mean for…

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I guess this is growing up.

I always find the end of May a bittersweet period, with its focus on graduations and plans for the fleeting summer. It's a time of celebrating the crossing of an arbitrary boundary we have created…

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Accounting Considerations for Attorneys

Attorneys are known for their attention to detail (and for being litigious), so they’re not someone whose books you want to mess up. Fortunately, we work with many attorneys, and have gained a lot of…

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