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Networking: What's Worked for Us

I know this will probably get lost in the sea of thousands of articles telling you how to be a better networker. But if you're reading this, it's likely that you are at least passingly familiar with The Bookkeeper. We get asked frequently how we grew our business so fast, and networking is certainly a component of that.

When it comes to networking, here is what has worked for us over the last three years.


Know your message.

women presentingA friend in marketing once told me, "Don't tell people how you're better. Tell people how you're different." We expended a lot of energy, early on, in trying to present the image we thought a serious bookkeeping company should have. (I, in particular, in an effort to look older, adopted a uniform of all-black, conservative clothing with my hair in a perpetual bun.) People didn't respond to the image we were putting forth because a) it wasn't genuine and b) they had seen it a thousand times.

Success came when we nailed down who we are, specifically. We're the company who does high-standards bookkeeping, but then also uses the information the books provide to do so much more for our clients. Once people found out that we did things like pricing strategy, forecasting, or even just filing 1099s, they got a lot more excited about our business.

Knowing exactly who we are has also helped us pinpoint who our ideal client is. In networking, it's easy to say, "My ideal referral is anyone!" But that really does not help the people who are trying to send you referrals. Yes, we would love to work with just about any small to mid-sized business. However, our ideal referral is really a potential client who is willing to listen and follow guidance; otherwise, they wouldn't be taking full advantage of our services.

Narrowing the scope of your business, as opposed to using a "shotgun" approach, helps your message penetrate deeper in your audience's mind and leave a lasting impression.


Mix it up.

Every company officer at The Bookkeeper has membership in a seat-specific networking group (i.e. a group where we're the only bookkeeper represented). Some of us are in more than one. And we demonstrate reliability to those groups by honoring the attendance requirements, but we also try to keep our routine fresh. Changing up our 60-second "elevator pitch" (a short spoken commercial about the company) week-to-week helps, as does bringing visitors or sending substitutes when we're absent. If we were to come and make the same speech week after week, the members of our groups would learn nothing new about us. Sometimes, just wording our pitch a little bit differently can spark something in another member's mind to make them realize, "Ah, I have a referral for them."

We've also found it helpful to break outside of our own groups. Visiting other groups, even if they have a member who might be considered "competition", is valuable. Not all bookkeepers work with all types of clients, and we frequently receive referrals from other bookkeeping companies who don't do exactly what we do. Night networking, which is typically more casual, can be beneficial as well. This is particularly good for those who are nervous about public speaking, as there's never a moment when you have to stand up and be the center of attention. And, since many small business owners are still working day jobs while they grow their own business, you get to meet a different set of people.


Follow up!

phone callYes, every bit of networking advice includes this, but only because it is so important. If someone meets 100 new people in an evening, how can you expect them to remember you long-term unless you remind them?

In a networking situation, you're not getting to spend much time with each person. The real work comes after that initial meeting, when you follow up with a 1-to-1. The one-on-one follow-up meeting is where you get to really show the person why you're interested in their business and what you have to offer, to them or referrals.

However, 1-to-1s don't have to be strictly business. It's always good to take a more professional tone with someone you're just getting to know, but it's also great to "touch base" with close referral partners. That can be an office meeting, but it can also be meeting for drinks or going to watch a game.


Come to serve, not to sell.

"Show, don't tell," works as well for networking as it does for storytelling. Someone who spends their entire time networking telling everyone how great their services are is off-putting, and has not yet earned enough trust to make those claims believable. Someone who shows that they are a competent and honest individual, by helping others within the group, commands respect.

One of my favorite things in networking is when I identify someone who would be either a good vendor or customer for one of my clients. Without a word of self-promotion, I'm empowered to benefit two businesses within my networking circle. Though it doesn't result in immediate business for my company, I still consider it a win-win, because it benefits my client, and it helps me to make a good connection with someone who could be a future client or referral partner. By referring them to each other, I am demonstrating my value to both.

Serving others also gives them a great opportunity to return the favor. No one enjoys 1-way relationships; you have to show a willingness to put others' needs before your own, and the right people will honor that by sending business back your way. However, that does not mean you help others only with the intention of getting something in return. Which leads to our final point...


Be real.

handshakeThere is this tendency in new networkers to act like they have everything together, all the time. And while you do need to be professional and not falling apart during a networking meeting, it is also okay to be honest about business challenges you're facing. Keeping a perfect veneer can be very unsettling to the people you meet, and you will find that you form better bonds when you allow people to help you.

No one has it all together, and people recognize that. You will never lose business just because you're human. If you do, it's not business you really want to have.

riding bikes together

Getting Creative at Getting Out of the Office

Having a comfortable office for business meetings is a great resource. It's very convenient to have a consistently available place to meet with potential clients, employees, or referral partners. However, it's also great to get away from the workplace at times.

Meeting someone away from the office can offer the benefit of a neutral territory, where people can lower their defenses and engage in more genuine conversation. Where you choose to meet can also give others a better understanding of yourself and your company culture.

When scheduling your next business meeting, consider some variants on these classic choices.

ice cream meetingEating Establishments

Everyone knows the standbys of a coffee or lunch meeting. (If you're particularly adventurous, you might go for an after hours cocktail.) But meeting over meals doesn't have to be limited to a cafe or sit-down restaurant. If you want to make a meeting memorable, start at a food truck, or grab an ice cream cone. Weather permitting, you can walk and talk as you enjoy your snack. Many people feel awkward holding face-to-face conversations with people they don't know well, particularly if they are eating in front of them.

Walking side-by-side helps avoid nerves over eye contact, and can put shier people at ease.

library as meeting placeQuiet Spots

Most big cities have plenty of co-working spaces available. (We have a plethora of great ones in Raleigh.) And they are fun places to hang out, even if you don't have someone to meet. Many extroverts (myself included) like to be out around people while we work, even if we're working independently.

If you don't have official co-working spaces in your geographic area, there are likely still plenty of quiet places to meet. Many libraries have meeting rooms and tables which can be either reserved or used on a first-come/first-serve basis, as do some bookstores. If you don't need somewhere with table space, consider a walk around a museum, or other cultural center. (In Raleigh, the JC Raulston Arboretum and Botanical Gardens comes to mind.) Anywhere peaceful and open to the public can be a good meeting location.

business meeting on golf courseActive Meetings

For decades, business deals have gone down on golf courses and racquetball courts. But if you're looking for an activity to get your heart rate up, you're not limited to those two options.

Assuming you're of similar cardiovascular health, going for a run is a great meeting option. Running is always more fun with a matched partner. Other sports which work well for 1-on-1 are tennis and basketball (so long as you don't get too over-competitive).

If those are too strenuous, a brisk walk through the park (maybe hunting some Pokémon?) is a suitable choice, as well.

If you keep an open mind, you can find meeting locations off the beaten path, which will leave an impression. As long as both parties are comfortable, you're able to converse, and it's a hospitable environment, anywhere can be a good place for a meeting.